Thursday, December 3, 2015

Allietare! Week 1

Just a quick update on my Allietare! progress...

All done & ready for clue 2!

Mistakes Along the Way!

 Buongiorno, Amici!

I made my half-square triangles by cutting 2 1/2" strips for my grey and neutral fabrics.  This is where I made my first mistake...

I forgot to divide by 2.  Yes, I cut 20 grey strips down to 600+ 2 1/2" squares.  I like to have some room to just toss something aside if it doesn't work, but this is a bit much!

My second mistake I found this morning as I was sewing the second seam for my HSTs.

This looks innocent enough, don't you think?
But, NO! There are three layers to this one!  Okay, I won't beat myself up over this as it was the only one that grabbed a buddy along the way.

This morning I realized that this project may wreak havoc with my lovely, type A personality.

I couldn't walk away form pressing all of these open.  
I was sorting them into groups and knew that there should be 10 to a group (except for that little guy that's on the buddy system.)

I'm using Grandma Edie's's arm got tired, but could I walk away?
Nope, not me!

Now they are all pressed and I can drop back to working with smaller groups.
I can trim them down in groups of ten.
One thing I haven't decided for sure is whether to keep the stars in the mix.  I kind of like the softer look of the other fabrics and might just add a few more of my favorites.

You can join in the fun by visiting Bonnie at Quiltville's Quips & Snips and look for the Allietare Mystery! tab!

And that's where I'm at today!